Mail server down?

Discussion in 'HOW TO JOIN' started by satchmo, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. satchmo

    satchmo I miss my CPC One Of Us

    I've tried to send 4 emails to gatekeeper (at) over the last week, and all of them have bounced back to me saying the recipient cannot be reached. Is the mail server down?
  2. Photon

    Photon Not Even Wensleydale Staff Member Administrator

    Noted. Will give it a look over and get back to you.
    • Thank Thank x 1
  3. roskelld

    roskelld Gaming God One Of Us

    I've just received an email saying I have a PM, but it's old. Me thinks the mail server is hiccuping a little.
  4. Photon

    Photon Not Even Wensleydale Staff Member Administrator

    Methinks its catching up :)

    300 odd mails to go...
  5. satchmo

    satchmo I miss my CPC One Of Us

    Thanks... I resent my email, so apologies if you end up getting it a couple of times!