Lead Programmer Wanted

Discussion in 'I wanna be a Game Programmer' started by mrchumpy, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. mrchumpy

    mrchumpy Lurker Not From Round Here

    Chump Studios is a startup based in Somerville, MA, just outside of Boston. We focus exclusively on casual games, for digital distribution through PC and today's major gaming consoles. We’re looking for brilliant people who are passionate about gaming and want to help shape our fledgling company.

    Why make casual games? Casual games are on their way up…they’re cheap to consumers, easy to produce, and are becoming more and more accessible to non-traditional gamers. Best of all the developers can avoid the trappings of full-sized titles (burnout, producer interference, etc.) and are free to focus on simply making smart, addictive games.

    We currently have openings for:

    Lead Programmer

    Check www.bostonpostmortem.org/jobs/ for more info or email your resume/contact information directly
    to jobs@chumpstudios.com.