I hate CD keys and Cd protection

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by LadyHydralisk, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. ubersheep

    ubersheep Lurker Not From Round Here

    One recent version I loved was Uplink by Introversion - they had a card with hex on it - if you decoded the hex it was a fixed (dev?) dump of some memory that looked as though it was used in the actual game: You could make out parts of some words, like "Welcome_to_the_tutori" (al).

    Added to this it was a very retro, very grass-roots and very easy to rip-off method of copy protection, and pretty easy to guess as well (it asked for a row and a column, and usually it was '80', '64' or some hex value between these two, or 'FF'.

    Made you feel more hacker-ish, which only added to the game :)
  2. GenePool

    GenePool Gaming God One Of Us

    One solution

    Just release all games as open source...:deadcrab: