Nice models and free models, new site!

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by 3d4ya, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. 3d4ya

    3d4ya Lurker Not From Round Here

    Hey there!
    We've just started a small 3d model site which would be cool for your game development:

    We have free real-time models like this:





    and others:





    Developers always need model, so we try our best to make as many free model as we can and hope they might help you!
    New products are available every week, we kindly invite you to visit frequently to check them out!
    Sorry if you find it annoying.
  2. Sehyron

    Sehyron Nintendo's Freakin Ass One Of Us

    not your first time posting here heh? (if that is a you and not a bot).

    I remember a post for a model site which demoed a bunch of completely useless models... this post looks pretty much like that.

    we usually can't use corporate logo that are that obvious on meshes (your computer)

    also... have you look at any game recently? your characters are outdated.

    what am I saying... this is a student demo isn't it? a crappy one.
  3. Kayamon

    Kayamon Angry Man One Of Us

    Dunno, looks pre-rendered to me.