Keeping up with the interweb

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by Eclectic, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    So yesterday I signed up to two things that are hot at the moment.

    Twitter is microblogging. 140 character messages from mobile phone or computer. Full on it looks like this: And here is my little beginning:

    Naymz is yet another form of social networking. But this time it serves as a central point for everything you do on the internet. Here is mine: It has good tools for importing your address book so it is easy to get going. If you can be found at multiple places on the web this makes good sense, as you can see from my entry.

    And as ever if you are a games industry professional feel free to connect to my Linkedin, I am now linked to 9.5 million people which must include a fair chunk of the world's game industry.
  2. plaf

    plaf Peter Molyneux One Of Us