Funniest thing I have read in ages

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by Eclectic, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

  2. Robert Swan

    Robert Swan Industry Professional One Of Us

    You are still dull and hypocritical. Have you now decided that just posting a link with a title "this is TEH funneh" now isnt spam?

    btw, I havent gone there to give you or your mates a hit, thanks!
  3. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    How sad.
    The link has absolutely nothing to do with me or my mates, as any idiot can see.

    It was just something that I found to be very funny and that I thought others would enjoy.
    I also put it on my Twitter, Facebook etc.

    Not going there is your loss.
  4. Robert Swan

    Robert Swan Industry Professional One Of Us

    Not my loss. I get enjoyment out of working out how you can live with yourself.

    Can I quote your hypocrisy in the future, Mr Spammer extraordinaire?
  5. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    What are you on?

    No spam, no hypocrisy. Just a site that is very, very funny and that lots of people on the interweb are enjoying. But not you.

    And all the people who have followed the link from here know that it is nothing to do with me. Which is making you look pretty stupid.
  6. Gazz

    Gazz Not a gaming god, just your average joe. One Of Us

    To fellow readers, you do realise that Eclectic is in league with the Devil... and by Devil I mean Gordon Brown.

    On a more serious note:
    I find the thread linked too is in very very poor taste - and is entirely NOT funny in the slightest. And yes, I wish Brown was not our Prime Minister, that when Blair stepped down the public had a vote on the replacement party, however I don't think inflicting physical pain or suffering on another person simply because you dont like them is a good enough reason (even in jest).
  7. haowan

    haowan I'm independent One Of Us

    that is seriously the least funny thread i have ever read

    you have something wrong with your brain and are possibly psychotic and should see a doctor
    • Thank Thank x 2
  8. Jimmy Thicker

    Jimmy Thicker Vice Admiral Sir Tim. One Of Us

    Soldiers who have a duty to defend the nation in a non-political manner, speculating about how to torture the Prime Minister in the most amusing manner. It's brilliantly fresh and inspired. If you're a deranged weirdo.
  9. Borsato

    Borsato One sexy mofo! One Of Us

    The way it works is that by starting as many rubbish and irritating threads as possible his THREE links in his signature apear everywhere where people respond to his provocations and flamebait, propagating his signature spam even further.

    Remember he actually explained and advocated this spamming technique in an uncharactaristically honest post on "marketing" "techniques" ages ago. IIRC the point isn't to get traffic from these links per se, but increase the number of sites that "link" to his crap for some kind of increased indexing metric (I forget where this is measured) that enhances his online profile.
    • Thank Thank x 1
  10. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    But, just to ruin your theory, Google, Technorati etc only take note of one link in per site per six months. So my optimum strategy would be to post here once ever six months.

    And I can very easily create as many links in as I can be bothered just by adding comments to blog articles. Use Google blog search to bring up a list of articles on any given subject, then comment away.

    Obviously the quality of the link matters. So for instance the Guardian linking to me last week is worth about ten years of Chaos Engine links.

    Bruceongames is massively embeded in the web. Analytics shows that it has received traffic from 483 sources in the last month.

    And I have far better ways to generate traffic. Like an exclusive interview with someone important next Tuesday that is very newsworthy.

    I hope you found that informative.
  11. Borsato

    Borsato One sexy mofo! One Of Us

    I was trying to give you a way out. Without some kind of rationality behind the drivel that you post it just stands out as the ravings of a nutter. ;-)

    I may be bothered to look up your original explanation on why you spam forums like this, but I am not sure I can stomach going through the documentary record and being exposed to god knows what in your old threads. :deadcrab:
  12. Eclectic

    Eclectic Banned

    I must say that eliciting a Pavlovian response from the cabal here is somwhat amusing.

    You can see the usual suspects in this thread. And in just about every thread I start. You would think that they would get a life. But no, they let me get a rise out of them anytime I want, with contemptuous ease.

    The game industry supposedly employs intelligent people, but we sit under a Gaussian function. Take away three standard deviations and we still have a population of bottom end outliers. As proven regularly by the cabal here.
  13. haowan

    haowan I'm independent One Of Us

    Yeah. What basically happens is that we have a mailing list, and whenever one of us finds a post you made, we send the link around, and everyone comes to read your thread and make hateposts in it. It's pretty cool. I devote ten minutes a day to maintaining it.
  14. Borsato

    Borsato One sexy mofo! One Of Us

    See? Once again proving that you are a Troll :-D

    You are right though, people (including myself) keep reacting to your trolling and posturing.
    I will leave you to your embarassing antics then.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  15. Robert Swan

    Robert Swan Industry Professional One Of Us

    Swallowed a dictionary lately? Try this:

    YOUR in test *guffaw*!
  16. Puppy

    Puppy I make games One Of Us

    Seems like. I'd recommend swallowing a spell checker next time. :D