Do you create audio for games?

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by dannthr, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. dannthr

    dannthr Shameless Promoter One Of Us

    For lack of a better place to put this, but in hopes of that most potential of even data sets, I'm posting this here announcement... well, here.

    I know at least a couple members here know of my endeavor with Game Audio Survey dot com, many, I'm sure, don't even know who I am, but as an audio guy, some appreciation has to be given to the fact that I've labored lovingly over 1500 or so lines of code (I know, small potatoes, but hey, I'm a musician, it's a miracle I can read ;) ) to try to roll out this study.

    So on with it:

    If you have created audio credited or uncredited, free or paid for games in the year 2008, I want to hear from you.

    Game Audio Survey is a not-for-profit information project that strives to inform the Game Industry about the Game Audio Marketplace, Culture, and Technology trends.

    However, before I can do that, I need your help in gathering data. On the website is a survey that can be completed in 5 minutes or less that needs your answers:

    Game Audio Survey

    Some of you have found my preliminary survey helpful with results like this:
    Prelim Results

    With your help we can explore our industry more deeply than ever before.

    Thanks for your time and please comment below your thoughts on this study AND if you would like to throw down an editorial! ;)

    Additionally, if you would like to see other cultural or technological trends studied--please post below with the kinds of surveys you would like to see me implement in the future.

    I'll be setting up little mini-surveys throughout the year.