Anyone work for...

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by archangelmorph, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. archangelmorph

    archangelmorph Peter Molyneux One Of Us

    Digi-Guys here..?

    I'm interested in what it's like working over there (programming specifically..)
  2. NightCreature

    NightCreature Lurker One Of Us

    Last i heard they only had one programmer, about 3 months have passed after this though so they might have hired a few since then.
  3. Lag

    Lag Lurker Not From Round Here

    Worked with them.

    There's a phrase involving bargepoles, I won't go into details here, though things might have changed, it's been a few years.

    I'd be wary though.
  4. Lag

    Lag Lurker Not From Round Here

    Mmmkay. From what I've just heard it's a bit of a trainwreck.