I've Arrived!

Discussion in 'HOW TO JOIN' started by TheChaosEngine, Oct 22, 2004.


Where do you work?

  1. United States

  2. Canada

  3. South America

  4. United Kingdom / Ireland

  5. France

  6. Germany

  7. Rest of Western Europe

  8. Eastern Europe / Russia

  9. China

  10. Hong Kong

    0 vote(s)
  11. Japan

  12. Taiwan

    0 vote(s)
  13. Singapore

  14. Rest of Far East

  15. Australia

  16. New Zealand / New Guinea

  17. Other, (please specify)

  1. TheChaosEngine

    TheChaosEngine Administrator Administrator

    New Members: Announce your arrival in this thread, (read the New Member FAQ if you haven't already done so).

    Vote for the region where you work.


    Minimum post: The most interesting single character you can find.

    Welcome Aboard!
  2. TheChaosEngine

    TheChaosEngine Administrator Administrator

    BTW: If you're wondering why there is a distinct lack of other I've Arrived posts here, it's because we've only just started this. We used to let new members fend for themselves, but we had repeated requests for a new member FAQ, rules about the forum, moderations etc.

    I've only just managed to put it up. Soooo.... Post at least your favorite character from Dingbats NOW!
  3. vibribbon

    vibribbon Lurker One Of Us

    I have arrived! First new-member moderator-mandated multi-hyphenate de-lurk post!

    I am a game designer / producer type.

  4. sillylittlefreak

    sillylittlefreak Hardcore Gamer One Of Us

    What's all this about, then? Is it only for new people?

  5. TheChaosEngine

    TheChaosEngine Administrator Administrator

    What is this, the second coming? ;-)
  6. datawhore

    datawhore Lurker One Of Us

    I am going to play by the rules and announce my TCE birth to cyberspace.
  7. Mr. Wolf

    Mr. Wolf Lurker One Of Us

    I don't like to post but, I'll play by the rules also.
    So, here is my first post as agreed.
  8. Photon

    Photon Not Even Wensleydale Staff Member Administrator

    See the thing about not posting I always find a bit strange .... we dont bite y'know...

    So c'mon in, the waters bloody freezing, but hell, we're all in it together (and other rabble rousing stuff like that)
  9. Prof. Shminky

    Prof. Shminky Truth Wrangler Administrator

    hello my name is prof shminky and i am a first time poster long time lurker i dont know who half you people are but i am sure you are all lovely and want to make babies with me but i am off limits to the likes of you you cannot touch the shminky flesh it is out of bounds i am here for the platonic love only

    message ends
  10. NoOneImportant

    NoOneImportant Troll One Of Us

    pork chop sandwiches!
  11. Bobz

    Bobz Peter Molyneux One Of Us

    Eggs...I've arrived...now I'll be off to read the rest of the FAQ's....quite a bit to go through....
  12. BFG

    BFG Industry God One Of Us

    Well I do, if you ask nicely. Tweaking, rubbing, nudging and yanking also available on request.

    Seriously, post and post with joyful abandon, the climate is well friendly. We've even hired a series of professional clowns to be the center of riddicule, so that our real members are free to express themselves without fear. That Schminky character up there is one of them, obviously.
  13. TheGecko

    TheGecko Grumpy Old Man One Of Us

    He always did have wandering hands, even at work.... ;)
  14. MrCranky

    MrCranky Bitter and Twisted One Of Us

    Eww. I feel dirty now. And for once its not just because I'm a games coder. 8-[
  15. Kipper

    Kipper Hardcore Gamer One Of Us

    Hello ladies!
  16. woodstok

    woodstok Lurker One Of Us

    !! !!!!! !!!
  17. a1psx

    a1psx Lurker One Of Us

  18. Hanzo

    Hanzo Advanced Troll One Of Us

  19. Prof. Shminky

    Prof. Shminky Truth Wrangler Administrator

    Make me a sword.
  20. Mouseshadow

    Mouseshadow Some days even my lucky rocketship pants dont help One Of Us