Jobs in Creative Writing

Discussion in 'I wanna be a Game Artist!' started by Prof. Krauf, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Prof. Krauf

    Prof. Krauf Lurker Not From Round Here

    Aug 15, 2010
    I was wondering if I could get some information on jobs in writing in the gaming industry. I was sort of surprised to see only a couple or I think one new thread since I last checked on this site. I was basically wondering how a writer like me or anyone else could get a job as a writer in the gaming industry. I mean writer as in writing dialogue, cutscenes, scripts, side quest material, etc. Not writing as in writing codes as a lot of people assume I'm talking about when I mention it to a college instructor.

    I have one novel that I've finished that I'm still trying to get published and I'm currently working on my second. I believe I heard that a lot of companies only hire those who are an established author. Can I get any confirmation on this?
  2. Jimmy Thicker

    Jimmy Thicker Vice Admiral Sir Tim. One Of Us

    May 5, 2005
    These jobs exist but they're super rare. A good friend of mine does this as a living, he is an established, published writer with 30 years experience. He finds the work difficult to get.
  3. Mad

    Mad Industry God One Of Us

    Feb 1, 2006
    Agree with Jimmy, I have a few writer friends in the industry and they have had a hard time getting gigs. Nowadays its only specific studios who hire actual creative writers, games that revolve around a character driven storyline it seems. And if there's some writing that needs to be done during development if one of the teams designers can't fill that void then they don't have much designer diversity.
  4. Prof. Krauf

    Prof. Krauf Lurker Not From Round Here

    Aug 15, 2010
    Thanks for the advice and feedback. I truly appreciate it.
  5. parm

    parm Just barely adequate One Of Us

    Feb 14, 2004
    Cambridge, England
    I understand it really helps if you're either Rhianna Pratchett or Kieron Gillen. Other than that, it's pretty well a crapshoot.
  6. mrelder

    mrelder Lurker Not From Round Here

    Jan 17, 2011
    Well you should hang around MMORPG -RPG Action Adventure studios mainly and there will be some jobs such as content writers and such. While in general there is not much going on this is something that will be of more interest in the future as more and more games become "cinematic experiences" :)

    However experienced and more often known or at least published writers are preferred.