Home Automation

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by luggage, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. molesworth

    molesworth the curse of st custards Staff Member Moderator

    May 5, 2006
    st custards, as any fule kno
    This sounds similar to what I'm setting up, although long term I'll have more than just temperature sensors. I decided to "roll my own" to avoid any reliance on servers which might suddenly disappear, and went with ESP8266-based modules, using DS18B20 sensors which are very easy to get working. I've also hooked in a light sensor using an LDR on the analog input, as I want to automate my lights as well.

    The ESP8266 (and ESP32 mentioned by CaptainFuture) has built-in WiFi so can connect to your local router. I decided on MQTT as a messaging protocol, as it's very simple and designed for exactly these kinds of application, and I'm running Node-RED on my server to handle all the logic and the UI. Again, very easy to use and a lot quicker than hand-coding it all. Below I've added one of my dashboard pages and one of the Node-RED flows running it all, to give you an idea of what's possible.


  2. benjymous

    benjymous FactCheckTCE Staff Member Moderator

    Aug 6, 2009
    North East, UK
    Thanks - those things look much more complex than I was imagining - that's why I mentioned Bluetooth-LE - the ideal device for me would be something with the form factor of an Tile / AirTag tracker - something that'll run for ages off a single button cell, that I can just blutack somewhere and basically forget about it (until its battery needs changing)

    Such things definitely do exist but, as with you, I really don't want something that wants to integrate into third party apps and servers - Ideally I'd like something fully open (or as open as you can be when dealing with bluetooth protocols)
  3. e-freak

    e-freak Gaming God One Of Us

    Apr 5, 2011
  4. CaptainFuture

    CaptainFuture Man of Tomorrow One Of Us

    Apr 25, 2007
    As you say, those things often require an app or cloud service, unless someone has hacked the firmware. Homebrew solutions are often Arduino or ESP* based, and you often find ready made firmware, or libraries you can plug together. You can get sensors in similar formats as the microcontrollers, so you can plug them together directly or with a breadboard.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. nic

    nic Hardcore Gamer One Of Us

    Jul 1, 2004
    I’ve just ordered a bunch of Shelly relays and a temp sensor, they’re shipped as cloud based but can be reconfigured as local only. No idea whether this kind of thing is what you’d want, I now have over half a dozen different systems and a PI with Home Assistant (with Zigbee usb dongle connect to some of them)
    • Thank Thank x 1
  6. lutas

    lutas raaagh One Of Us

    Oct 27, 2009
    In my house