Best way to find contract programmers?

Discussion in 'I wanna be a Game Programmer' started by WhiteNinga, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. WhiteNinga

    WhiteNinga Lurker Not From Round Here

    Jan 26, 2011
    London, UK
    Hi all,

    I work for a small mobile games company. We are expanding into the UK and Europe from the US and I am tasked with finding some contract programmers. I am looking to outsource tasks to Eastern European countries like Romania.

    Does anyone know any good sites or contacts to get started with my search? I don't want to use job seeker agencies. We always used craigslist back in the US, but it isn't near as popular in Europe...

  2. Marc Vaughan

    Marc Vaughan Industry Professional One Of Us

    May 26, 2005
    Melbourne, FL
    If you can get them then I'd say 'word of mouth' from people you trust who've used particular people before is the safest and most reliable method.

    Otherwise you're down to interviewing in the same manner as for any position (there are lots of avenues for 'finding' contract programmers - recruitment agencies being the most common I'd expect, but there are also 'trade' papers you could advertise vacancies in if you want to get direct applications).
  3. Xajin

    Xajin Codebastard One Of Us

    Sep 7, 2003
    If you cut some leather and leave it out on your workbench with a plate of cookies then when you wake up the next morning all the programming work will be done.

    hmm.. maybe that's elves and shoes. I get confused about this sort of thing these days.
    • Thank Thank x 1
  4. WhiteNinga

    WhiteNinga Lurker Not From Round Here

    Jan 26, 2011
    London, UK
    Yeah after searching everywhere online I didn't come up with much. I've decided to go your route and have been asking around with a few other publishers/developers we have worked with...
    Pretty sure for programmers you need to substitute doritos and mountain dew in place of the cookies