User Names and Accounts FAQ

Discussion in 'HOW TO JOIN' started by TheChaosEngine, Nov 15, 2004.

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  1. TheChaosEngine

    TheChaosEngine Administrator Administrator

    Q: Can I have multiple accounts on TCE?
    A: Sure, but only one can have private access. Multiple private accounts are open to abuse as "spare" passwords/user names have a habit of migrating to non-members.

    Q: Can I change my user-name?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Do I sign up with another account or ask you?
    A: Do NOT sign up with a new account, it's a pain in the arse for us if you do it that way. We can simply change your user-name on your old account. Just remember to try your new user-name if your old one doesn't work at log-on.

    Q: Are there any caveats to changing my user-name
    A: Possibly. When you change your user-name, the name on all of your past posts also changes to the new name. If you're concerned about anonymity then someone paying attention could tell you've just changed your name. If you don't want this to happen, then we can give you another private account and remove the access on your old one.

    Q: How do I do either?
    A: Get in touch with me, photon or the Prof. before you do anything; we'll ask you what you want and save wasted time. Make sure before you do so that you've performed a search for the new user name you want, (click "search" top of page and search for a specific author). All user names must be unique in ppBB2.

    Q: How many times can I change my user-name?
    A: 30,467,053 times a year only.
    • Thank Thank x 1
  2. TheChaosEngine

    TheChaosEngine Administrator Administrator


    We've added user management to the super-mod panel for all of the moderators. Perviously, only the site admins could make changes to user-profiles, but now you can ask any of the mod's for assistance in things like user-name changes.

    Addition of new accounts however can still only be done by myself, Photon and the Prof.
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