Game Development Quality of Life survey

Discussion in 'General Gossip, Troll Wars & Game Development' started by Ed-Develop, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Ed-Develop

    Ed-Develop Lurker Not From Round Here

    Apr 15, 2009
    Hello there,

    Okay, please don't hurt me. Hear me out. I promise I'm not self-promoting or anything.

    Given the current controversy around the IGDA and the quality of life in the industry, Develop has launched a global Quality of Life survey. We - and when I say we I really mean I, because it's my creation - really really want it to be as representative as possible.

    As such, if you haven't had a look at it, we would really appreciate your participation. I don't know how many more times I can write 'really' but goddamnit I'm going to keep doing it.

    I really don't want you to think that we're promoting ourselves here - the links provided in this post link DIRECTLY to the externally-hosted survey, not to our website, which I hope proves to you that we're not fishing for traffic or hits or advertising eyeballs or whatever. It's just that when we take these results to Tiga and the IGDA, we want to feel sure that it's representative of what the industry really feels - and not just outspoken studio heads.

    And besides - I wouldn't dare self-promote Develop on here. I'm too scared to find out what everyone _really_ thinks :)

    So, if you can spare the < 5 minutes, please do take a look at it. I will love you forever and buy you alcohol if I ever meet you. You can find it here:

    Thanks in advance,

    Ed Fear
    Deputy Editor
    Develop Magazine
    • Thank Thank x 3
  2. Truk

    Truk Industry Professional One Of Us

    Jul 10, 2006
    Verdant Pastures
    It's already been linked to on the private forums. :)
  3. Ed-Develop

    Ed-Develop Lurker Not From Round Here

    Apr 15, 2009
    That's great news! Thanks a lot - really appreciate it :)
  4. Brian Beuken

    Brian Beuken Boring Old Fart One Of Us

    Aug 20, 2003
    Breda, Holland, where I get to teach all the bad h
    nice pitch

    where do I pitch my tent for maximum amount of meeting you, front or back garden?
  5. Ed-Develop

    Ed-Develop Lurker Not From Round Here

    Apr 15, 2009
    Back garden.

    Wait, you *are* coming on to me, right? ;)
  6. subversified

    subversified Gamer One Of Us

    Mar 2, 2009
    btw - I'm a contractor who lives in one place, but works for clients all over the world. and I know I'm not the only one. Your survey doesn't allow for conveying that answer elegantly. Also, this case definitely impacts crunch as time zones can be hell on the personal life schedule.
  7. Ed-Develop

    Ed-Develop Lurker Not From Round Here

    Apr 15, 2009
    Thanks for your feedback. Yeah, there are holes in there - some got created in wrangling with my boss, others are my oversight. If you put that information into the box at the end, though, it will get read and counted - and, in fact, given more weight, given that it gets our attention more.

    Feel free to point out other holes in it, everyone - I'm aware it's not perfect, but if I have a better idea of the areas it doesn't cover then that just educates us to what we've hastily missed. It will all get counted!
  8. Kamron

    Kamron Lurker Not From Round Here

    Feb 13, 2008
    Already closed? Can we see the result somewhere?